Established in 1899

A modern company with over 100 years of tradition

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  • Banne

Pleszewskie Zakłady Papiernicze S.A. (Joint Stock Company) is the company
with over 100 years of tradition in the field of paper packaging production.
This is illustrated by significant dates of our history:

1899 – Franciszek Ziółkowski established a plant known as Zakłady Graficzne i Fabryka Wyrobów Papierowych F. K. Ziółkowski & Co.

1911 – Kazimierz Świerkowski, a long-term partner and associate took over the company. Until 1950 the company functioned as Wielkopolska Fabryka Wyrobów Papierowych Pleszew - K. Świerkowski as a private enterprise.

1950 - 1973 - The plant changed its name into Pleszewskie Zakłady Wyrobów Papierowych and functioned as a state-owned enterprise.

1973 - 1989 - The plant joined Poznańskie Zakłady Papiernicze and functioned as Poznańskie Zakłady Papiernicze Plant in Pleszew as a state-owned enterprise.

1989 - 1994 - The plant functioned as Pleszewskie Zakłady Papiernicze Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe (a state-owned enterprise).

1994 - The plant was converted into a Joint Stock Company and has functioned as Pleszewskie Zakłady Papiernicze S.A.
